What is the Notification Centre and what is it for?
Reago notifies you of changes to your account activity via notifications. These notifications give you an overview of:
- changes to your contacts
- whether your contacts have been correctly imported or exported
- whether your campaign has been launched
- etc.
You can find the notifications after logging into your app account in the top right corner under the bell icon.
Notification Center will inform you of selected changes in all your workspaces in one place. Click on the bell to see a list of the current changes in your account.
Each notification contains a specific activity (e.g. importing contacts), its status (e.g. completed successfully), the name of the workspace (e.g. Reago test) and the time when the activity was completed (e.g. 5 days ago).
Click on the preview icon to mark all notifications as read.
Through each notification, you can click through to the section of the Reago app to which that particular notification pertained.
For selected notifications (e.g. export), after completing this activity, the prepared file can also be downloaded via the notification.
Thanks to the app's Notification Center, you'll have all your alerts clearly displayed in one place and you'll be able to see what's going on in no time.